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What Every Mom Should Know About Breast Cancer

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Our mission to keep children healthy extends to their parents as well. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer found in women age 40 and below. But aside from age, all women should be familiar with the most common risk factors associated with breast cancer.

Here’s what every mom needs to know:

Who is most at risk?

Women age 40 and younger may have an increased risk of breast cancer with these factors:

  • Breast cancer in personal history
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Prior radiation treatment to face or chest (before age 30)
  • Minimal physical activity
  • Ovarian or breast cancer in family history
  • Dense breast tissue
  • Being overweight
  • Pregnancy after age 30
  • Menstrual history before age 12


When to notify your doctor.

  • A new lump has been found
  • Differences in breast shape or size
  • Puckering of dimpling of the breast
  • Breast feels warm to the touch, red or swollen
  • Nipple becomes inverted
  • Breast has pain in targeted area, lasting more than three weeks
  • Discharge from the nipple without being squeezed
  • Itchiness or rash develops on nipple

What you can do about it.

Exercise regularly – Women who are physically active are less likely to get breast cancer, even with just 30 minutes daily.

Decrease or eliminate alcohol – Research has shown that the risk of breast cancer increases in women who drink more alcohol.

Healthy eating – Getting in the routine of eating healthier foods is very helpful for preventing many harmful health problems and diseases, as well as breast cancer. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are widely recommended.

Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding is healthy for baby and has many benefits for mom too, including the potential reduced risk of developing breast cancer when done long-term.

Regularly check at home – Self-exams are a free tool that can easily be done in the comfort of home and are recommended to be done at least once a month. The prime time to conduct self-examinations are the first several days after your menstrual period starts. Self-breast exams, in combination with healthy lifestyle habits and communication with your doctor, will help to optimize your overall health, detect breast cancer much sooner, and significantly increases the survival rate.


See an expert.

If you are concerned about your breast health and several of the risk factors apply to you, now is a great time to see a medical professional who can give you peace of mind. Typically mammograms are suggested annually or bi-annually for women over 40, but screening exams and x-rays are still offered to those who are younger.

Solis Mammography has over 30 years of experience in breast health services and mammography. You can also follow along on their social media channels this month, as they are sharing educational resources on breast health.

Schedule your appointment with them below:


Moms need to stay in good health in order to raise healthy children. By carrying out healthy habits and taking charge of your lifestyle, you keep reducing your risk for breast cancer even further. If you are seeking a primary care provider to stay up to date in your health journey, please book an appointment here at Village Health Partners today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.