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How to protect a child with asthma during COVID-19

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The CDC deems those with moderate or severe asthma may be at a higher-risk if exposed to COVID-19, therefore extra precautions need to be made for your child's health and safety. COVID-19 can interfere with the respiratory system including lungs, nose and throat, as well as leads to the possibility of an asthma attack, pneumonia and even severe respiratory illness.

Please review what actions are necessary for you to take now to decrease your child’s exposure to COVID-19 and help prevent them from experiencing this new viral infection.

Precautions you can take now: 

  • Ensure you have a full stock of asthma medications. 
  • Continuously wash your hands or use hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol or more. 
  • Keep a social distance of 6 feet or more from others every day. 
  • Avoid others in public, especially those who are ill. 
  • If someone in the household is sick, isolate them away from everyone else. 
  • Disinfect high-touch items and areas of you home regularly. 
  • Do not share personal items at home with others. 
  • Avoid confined transportation such as airplanes, trains or cruises that are non-essential.

Review your Asthma Action Plan: 

  • Consult your child’s doctor or advanced practitioner to go over their personalized Asthma Action Plan. You can schedule an appointment here
  • Stay on track by continuing to take current medications. 
  • Avoid discontinuing medications or altering your Asthma Action Plan without consultation form your child’s provider first. 
  • Monitor your child’s asthma on a regular basis. 
  • Understand and avoid the triggers that cause your child’s asthma to flare up.  
  • Keep your child’s anxiety and stress levels low to reduce the chances triggers as well. Learn more about how to help your child cope with COVID-19 changes and how to monitor your child’s mental health.

We strongly urge all of our patients with asthma or a history of asthma to schedule an appointment to discuss your child’s Asthma Action Plan. Your child's provider will make sure you're up to date and have a full supply of all medications needed. 

Click here to make your child’s appointment with their doctor or advanced practitioner today.


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.