As of June 29th, we have moved to the new Catalyst Physician Group Patient Portal.

How to get prepared for a new normal

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A few days ago, we received a huge announcement that school is out for the remainder of this academic school year in Texas. This news can be a big hurdle for both parents and children! 

We’re here to let you know that while things seem to change on a daily basis, it’s all just a process of adjusting to this “new normal”.   

Below are a few suggestions you can practice daily to get more acclimated to the novel coronavirus and all it brings into our lives. 


  • Set a routine in place for your work from home schedule and home school schedule  
  • Have open communication with your supervisor when an issue at home arises 
  • Stay up to date on resources provided by your child’s school or community (insert link for blog you did about learning resources) 
  • Minimize the amount of media you and your family consume to reduce stress levels 

Mental health  

  • Create a space for open dialogue between you and your children for COVID-19, difficulty with schooling or any other obstacles they may be facing right now 
  • Being a full-time parent, provider and teacher can be overwhelming, so remember to take time out for yourself and practice taking mental breaks 
  • Be observant on the state of your child’s mental health, know what red flags to look for  and when to get help (link to blog you did on monitoring children’s mental health) 
  • Know your options if you see red flags. Melanie Hoffman and Marissa Stanfill are licensed counselors that can help individuals 18 and older. 

Lower chances of exposure  

  • Wearing a face mask in public and thoroughly washing your hands are still some of the best methods to prevent exposure to the virus and come highly recommended 
  • If you’re not able to purchase face masks in your area, consider making face masks  for your family with materials you already have at home or ordering online through a trustworthy source 
  • Continue to practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from others when out in public 

Grocery trip safety 

This concept can also apply when you go shopping at other places of business, as more will begin to re-open in the future.  

  • Wear a facial covering when out grocery shopping and keep a distance of six feet 
  • Be sure that you really want to purchase an item before picking it up 
  • The virus can live on cardboard and metal for a number of days so limit exposure by disinfecting your items when you return home from the store 
  • Plan ahead by making your list in advance and try to limit your number of shopping trips in a week

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.