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Get Ahead of the Spread

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It’s that time of year again. A yearly flu vaccination is the most recommended method of protection against the flu. Having the flu is nothing to look forward to, not to mention the added burden of missed school days during recovery. This year, we want your child to get the shot, not the flu!

Here’s what you need to know about annual flu shots for your child.

How it all works. When a flu vaccine is given, the body develops antibodies approximately two weeks later. These antibodies, are what enables the body to fight off infections such as those found in the vaccine. Typically flu season lasts from late fall to late winter or even early spring in some cases. Majority of flu vaccines also cover against four different flu virus strains.

Best method to prevent the flu. There’re only so many things you can do to keep your child from getting sick during day to day activities and interacting with others. A flu vaccination is certainly more long-lasting than frequent hand sanitizing and avoiding germy areas or people. Plus, it provides a peace of mind that you child has a higher level of protection even when away from home.

The sooner the better. In most cases, it’s best not to wait to get the flu vaccine. For the most protection, it really is key to get the flu shot before the virus starts to spread locally. When the vaccine is given earlier, that provides more time for it start working and get adjusted in the body. Which is especially important as it takes about two weeks for antibodies to develop.

Stay up to date. Since flu strains, change often and quickly, you and your child will want to make sure you have the latest version of the flu vaccination. A flu shot from the previous year will eventually become outdated and will not provide enough coverage from the new flu virus strains.

Recommended ages. Typically, anyone 6 months or older are advised to get a flu vaccination each year. However, if your child has specific allergies to flu vaccines, please be sure to talk to their pediatrician first.

Although there is still a chance of getting sick with flu, studies show the severity of the virus is significantly decreased in those who received a vaccination. To make the process easier for your child, we are making flu vaccinations even more accessible by hosting an outdoor flu shot clinic on Saturday, September 12, 2020, and Saturday, September 26, 2020.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.